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Python Programming
Course in Pune
with 100% Placement Assistance
New Batches start every 10 days
10 Essential Tools covered
No previous experience is necessary
Course Overview:
Welcome to the Comprehensive Python Programming course by MindScripts Tech, where this course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of data science using Python programming language. Participants will learn how to analyze and visualize data, build predictive models, and extract valuable insights from large datasets.
Key Features:
Hands-on Learning: The course emphasizes practical, hands-on exercises and real-world projects to ensure participants gain valuable experience in applying data science concepts using Python.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covering fundamental concepts to advanced topics, the course provides a comprehensive understanding of data science, including data manipulation, visualization, statistical analysis, machine learning, and deep learning.
Python-centric Approach: Focused on leveraging Python programming language, participants learn to utilize popular libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn for data manipulation, analysis, visualization, and machine learning tasks.
Expert Instructors: Led by experienced instructors with expertise in data science and Python programming, participants receive guidance and mentorship throughout the course to enhance their learning experience.
Practical Projects: The course includes a capstone project where participants apply their knowledge and skills to solve a real-world data science problem, providing valuable experience and showcasing their abilities to potential employers.
Flexibility: Designed to accommodate both beginners and those with some prior experience in data science and Python programming, the course offers flexibility in pacing and difficulty level, allowing participants to progress at their own pace.
Interactive Learning Environment: Through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and interactive coding sessions, participants engage actively in the learning process, fostering better understanding and retention of concepts.
Career Development: The course not only equips participants with technical skills but also provides guidance on career development aspects, including resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies in the field of data science.
Continued Learning Resources: Beyond the course duration, participants gain access to additional resources, including reading materials, online tutorials, and community forums, to continue their learning and stay updated with the latest advancements in data science and Python.

Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages in India, widely used in fields like Data Science, AI, Web Development, and Automation.
Course Syllabus:
Python Operators
What is Python programming language?
Advantages and applications of Python
Installation of Python
Python Keywords
The statement, Indentation, and Comment in Python
Rule of Variables in Python
Introduction to Python
What are operators in Python?
Types of operators
Arithmetic operator
Assignment operator
Comparison operator
Logical operator
Bitwise operator
Special operators
Ternary Operator
Python Data Types
Lists in Python
Knowing the size of the list
Adding elements to a list
Accessing elements from the list
Delete or Remove elements from the list
Slicing of a list
Iterating a list
List Comprehension
Nested list
List Methods
File Handling

Get the Type of data type
NumbersPython String
Python List
Python Tuples
Python Sets
Python Dictionary
Type Conversion
Python Control Flow
Python Conditional statements
Python For Loop
Python While Loop
Python break statement
Python continue statement
Python pass statement
Python Strings
Access characters/elements in a string
Concatenation of two or more string
String Slicing
Iterating string
Delete or Change String
String Formatting
String Methods
Escape Characters
Open a file in Python
Close a file in Python
Write to file in Python
Read files in Python
Python directory and files management
Conditional Statements
Conditional Statements & Loop Conditional Statements
(If, If-else, If-elif-else, Nested-if etc.) and
loop control statements (for, while,
Nested loops, Break, Continue, Pass statements)
Python Pickle
Introduction to Pickle
Storing Data with Pickles
Pickling files
Unpickling files
Python Tkinter
Introduction to Tkinter
Widgets in Tkinter
Geometry Management
Organizing Layout and Widgets
Binding Functions
Mouse Clicking Events
Drop-Down Menus
Alert Box
Simple Shapes
Image and Icons
Data Visualization using Matplotlib
Introduction, plot(),Controlling Line Properties, Subplotwith Functional Method, Multiple Plot,Working with Multiple Figures,Histograms
Python Tuples
Accessing elements in a Tuple
Tuple Slicing
Update Tuple
Unpack Tuple
Concatenation of Tuples
Changing and deleting Tuples
Python Tuple Methods
Dictionary in Python
Accessing Elements from a Dictionary
Add/Change Elements in a Dictionary
Nested Dictionary
Deleting Elements from Dictionary
Dictionary Methods
Sets in Python
Adding Elements to a Set
Accessing a Set
Removing Elements from a Set
Set Methods
Python Functions
Syntax of Function
Types of Functions
Doc, string
Recursion in Python
Python Recursive Function
Lambda functions in Python
Modules in python
Python OOP
Python Objects and Class
Constructors in Python
Deleting Attributes and objects
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Exception Handling in Python
Syntax Error
Try and Accept in Exception Handling
Raising Exception
Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions
Data Visualization using Seaborn
Introduction to Seaborn and Visualizing statistical relationships, Import and Prepare data. Plotting with categorical data and Visualizing linear relationships.
Seaborn Exercise
Data Analysis Using Pandas
Pandas : Introduction to Pandas
Importing data into Python
Pandas Data Frames, Indexing DataFrames, Basic Operations With Dataframe, Renaming Columns, Subsetting and filtering a data frame
Data Analysis Using Numpy
Introduction to Numpy. Array Creation, Printing Arrays, BasicOperation - Indexing, Slicing and iterating, Shape Manipulation -Changing shape, stacking and splitting of array
Vector stacking, Broadcasting with Numpy, Numpy for Statistical Operation
Fundamentals of Math and Probability
Probability distributed function & cumulative distribution function. Conditional Probability, Baye’sTheorem
Problem solving for probability assignments
Random Experiments, Mutually Exclusive Events, Joint Events, Dependent & Independent Events
Data Processing & Exploratory Data Analysis
What is Data Wrangling
Data Pre-processing and cleaning?
How to Restructure the data?
What is Data Integration and transformation
Introduction to Database (SQL)
Database Fundamentals
SQL Essentials
Installation of MySQL
Exploring SQL Statements
SQL Query Basics
Advanced SQL Concepts
Introduction to Django
Difference between an App and Project
Understanding Migrations and their purpose
Admin Part: Creating a Superuser in Python
Views in Django URL Routing
Render and Relative Import
Overview of Settings File in Django
Configuring Templates in Django
Understanding Models
Linking Models to Admin
Creating Model Forms
Form Validation in Django
Context in Django
Forms in a view
Custom Forms
Setting up Email in Projects
Static Files and Serving in Django
Bootstrap Grid System
Introduction to CSS and Blocks
URL Names as Links
Adding Authentication in Django Project
Authentication Links in Navigation Bar
Adding Login Form in Bootstrap
Query Set Basics
Rendering Images and Videos on our site
What is MongoDB?
Characteristics and Features
MongoDB Ecosystem
Installation process
Connecting to MongoDB database
Introduction to NoSQL
Introduction of MongoDB module
What are Object IDs in MongoDB
MongoDB Use cases
MongoDB Structures
MongoDB Shell vs MongoDB Server
Data Formats in MongoDB
MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Aggregating Documents
Working with MongoDB Compass & exploring data visually
Understanding Create, Read, Update, Delete
Schemas & Relations
Document Structure
Tools Covered:

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At MindScripts Tech, our mission is to empower individuals through cutting-edge IT education, bridging theory with practical skills. We cultivate innovation, nurture creativity, and prepare our students to thrive in the dynamic IT industry, fostering a globally competitive workforce.